March 26, 2014

Spring Photo-a-Day Week | Day 1

Hello, friends.

I have decided to do another Photo-a-Day week, because I so loved my last one. It was really fun to be forced to capture some beauty everyday. So I'm beginning today, and will complete it on April Fool's Day. I'm on Spring Break, so I have a bit more time. :)

Day #1--These sunflowers make me feel that it is Springtime, despite the frigid temperatures today. And then my breakfast...almond flour raisin scones, an egg fried in a red bell pepper ring, and hibiscus tea. Lovely. And I know that's two photos, but I couldn't help it. :)

Note: I've been having blogger background issues, which accounts for the provisional background I had for a few days. Never fear, I have at last sorted it out and I am back to the background I wanted. Thanks for understanding!


Unshod Feet

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