August 25, 2014

Pico de Gallo Recipe

Oh, friends! It has been so long since I've had the chance to post here. I am so excited to be back!

I have a recipe for you all. We were gifted with many tomatoes grown in local gardens, so I decided to make up a recipe for mild tomato salsa, also called Pico de Gallo. So this salsa was made with mostly local ingredients. The tomatoes and tomatillos from friends, and the onion from our local farmer's market. It doesn't get much closer to home. My siblings approved of the recipe by descending on it with fervor.

While no chips we usually eat are completely starch-free as I would prefer, we love Beanitos. Beanitos are just beans and rice, which is pretty much the best you can get for store-bought chips. I want to try making some chips....we shall see. The chips pictured here are Way Better Snack's Tortilla Chips, which were allegedly sprouted, but turned out to have stone ground corn as the first ingredient. I found that out after I ate them. Whatever. You do the best you can.

Enough about the chips...time for the salsa.

Pico de Gallo

4-6  tomatoes, diced
4 small tomatillos, diced
1/2 onion, diced
2 limes
1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
sea salt and fresh ground pepper

Wash tomatoes and tomatillos, and dice finely. Peel the onion, and dice it finely, too. Wash cilantro, break off leaves, and chop finely. Squeeze lemon juice on mixture. Salt and pepper to taste.  This recipe is ripe for experimentation. Work with what you have, and adjust to your preferences. This is just a starting block. And, if you like, you could add hot peppers. My family isn't big on hot spice, so I avoided the use of jalapeños.

Printable Recipe

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