November 09, 2013

Charming Wool Crafts

A few nights ago we had a craft night. It was delightful! We drank tea, listened to classical music, cut beautiful wools, and chatted into the evening. Lovely components: beautiful mugs, yummy tea, the long table, & many wools. The productions: a headband each and beginnings on a few other projects. As it always is, there wasn't enough time to do everything we wanted, but it was very enjoyable nonetheless.  And, as always, capturing it with the camera was a delight! (How do y'all like my fancy collage, above?)

Of course that evening was only the beginning. There are so many projects I want to complete before Christmas! One day at a time...

Thanks to Mama for the pictures of me, and for collecting all the wools! (She also crafted, but didn't make it in to the photos.) What a lovely evening of working with beautiful, real materials. How good it feels to work with wools and make beautiful things!

What have you been crafting lately?

Unshod Feet


  1. Funny you should ask:-). I was darning wool socks for part of the day today! Love you, Mimi

  2. That sounds so lovely! Your headbands are so fun, and tea and chatting. Ah, cozy days.
    Okay, I have to did you do that collage? I have been trying to do that for ages!

  3. Thanks, Caitlyn! I did the collage on You can make a free account and create free collages there.


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